Kith and Kids
Kith and Kids
07 Sep 2017 ·

Autism Employability Project Volunteer Mentor

Weekly Mon/Fri day-times. Volunteer on our Employment & Life Skills Project and help adults with a learning disability and/or autism to access further education and/or meaningful employment.

Age: 20 - 30
When: Weekdays
Where: Onsite

Kith & Kids are looking for volunteers to commit to the project on a regular basis in order to fully benefit the members that take part in it. Through regular support and meetings, members and volunteers develop greater trust, skills and confidence together. Please note that the minimum age to volunteer with the ELSP group(s) is 20 years old. We are looking for some new volunteers to join in our Employment & Life Skills Project (ELSP) and help adults with learning disabilities and/or autism to access further education, work experience and visits to mainstream community opportunities. ELSP takes place on a Monday and a Friday from 10am to 3pm, term-time. Volunteers will act as a mentor to the group members on a 1 – 1 basis. With the supervision of the group coordinator you will be helping members develop a range of life skills in areas that many of us take for granted. These include English and maths skills, independent living, the use of public transport, social skills and even the sourcing of employment. These skills can be very difficult for the people in these groups to develop and achieve without regular support. Through regular support and meetings, members and volunteers develop greater trust, skills and confidence together. Please note that the minimum age to volunteer with the ELSP group(s) is 20 years old. Volunteers must attend at least two training dates: Session A: (Choose one) Sun 5th Nov 9:30am – 1:30pm or Sat 11th Nov 9:30am – 1:30pm or Wed 15th Nov 6:30pm – 10pm Or Tues 21st Nov 6:30pm – 10pm or Sat 25th Nov 9:30am – 1:30pm Session B: Our co-ordinators will arrange a second session with you Training takes place at Ermine Road Day Centre N15 6DB. For more information please email us at [email protected] Or call us on: 0208 801 7432.

What is next?

We'll email you information about the activities and forthcoming training days starting Sat 2nd Nov. Take a look at