5 easy steps for meeting new people
Our Team v leaders know what to do at scary networking events.
Facing a room full of people you don’t know can be nerve-wracking. What’s the best way to approach someone? What do you say when you get there? What should you do with your face?!
Put down the smelling salts and stop that nervous twitch. There’s no need to be worried about meeting new people when team v are holding your hand.
“Smile (like you mean it)”
Lucy Dean, Team v Midlands
‘I really like chatting with someone who has a face like a slapped arse’ said no one ever.
Swallow your nerves and approach new people with a smile. You’ll fall into conversations easily if you look like a happy person.
“Ask them about their hometown”
Danielle Falcus, Team v North London
Follow up your first “Hello, my name is…” by asking where they’ve travelled in from. Everyone knows the answer to this question. You can’t go wrong.
Danielle says, “I find it starts conversations with something I know how to talk about confidently. For example, everyone will complain about living in London or about train commutes, then once the rapport is built you can ask a question like 'What do you do there'?”
“Find out what makes them tick”
Alex Quang, Team v South London
When you’ve found out what your new acquaintance loves, take the opportunity to learn more about it. Perhaps it’s an interest you share – in which case, rave about it with them. New friend = made.
“Find out what motivates them to do what they do. Ask all about it. Your interest leaves you with a better understanding of them. That helps build a stronger relationship.”
“Let them get a word in edgeways”
John Morris, Team v Midlands
We all love to talk about ourselves. It’s great for filling awkward silences. But do make sure you’re not hogging the spotlight the whole time. If ten minutes goes by and you haven’t learnt their name, where they’re from or what they do, it’s time to share the stage.
“Make sure you actually talk to the person rather than over-selling yourself or commanding the conversation. Having a general chat (though by all means talk about the reason you've come together to network) with someone will often help build that relationship quicker. A one way conversation can feel like a sales pitch.”
“Keep in touch”
Glenn Gridley, Team v North London
What’s the point in meeting all these interesting people if you forget about them as soon as you leave your event?
“Once you’ve got something you want out of someone, keep them up to date with how you're doing and stay in touch. Then they know you value them.”
Unless you’ve made arrangements to meet up or are really firm friends, asking for phone numbers might be a bit forward. If that doesn’t feel appropriate, see if they’re heading to any other events that you may go to. You could even ask for their Twitter handle or blog address if they have one. If all else fails, ask how you can keep up to date with their work or projects, and see what they offer you.
Ready to get stuck in? Volunteer with your local Team v leader.
11403 meeting new people 5 easy steps for meeting new people - vinspired blog Put down the smelling salts and stop that nervous twitch. There’s no need to be worried about meeting new people when team v are holding your hand. 1795403819