25 May 2024 ·

A Brave New “Pro-Social” World

We’re always hearing about ‘anti-social behavior,’ but what about its antithesis—pro-social behavior? This concept, which might sound like something out of ‘Brave New World,’ simply means volunteering, involvement in decision-making, or participating in local and community organizations.

Team v leaders East London

Commissioned by the previous government, the Department for Education (DfE) has published research into the pro-social behavior of 16-19-year-olds. Contrary to media reports, this research shows that 16-19-year-olds are more likely than older groups to be involved in pro-social activities—more so than 20-24-year-olds. This suggests that educational institutions play a significant role in encouraging these activities.

Young people not in education, employment, or training (or “NEETs”) are less likely to engage in pro-social behavior. However, it is encouraging that the report recognizes Vinspired’s success in closing traditional participation gaps. This has been achieved through a dedicated workforce, both paid and voluntary, that supports young people in settings outside of formal education.

The second recent DfE report delves into the motivations, barriers, and facilitators for adults volunteering in youth settings. According to the report, adult volunteers are driven by the belief that young people are vulnerable, in need of adult input, and receptive to positive influences.

Staff and volunteers who provide ‘pro-social’ opportunities like volunteering are crucial to bridging participation gaps between those in learning and work and those who are not. Without dedicated individuals like the Vinspired national awards ‘best youth worker’ finalists, these gaps would remain, and young people already disadvantaged by their educational or work status would miss out on the benefits of volunteering.

So let’s celebrate the workforce that supports young people into this brave new pro-social world.

Learn more about the Vinspired National Awards 2012 on the Vinspired site.