25 May 2024 ·

Emma Norris: How Team v Made Her the Star of vInspired Live

Emma Norris Shines as a Volunteer Leader

Emma Norris has emerged as a true champion in the volunteering community through her role as a Team v leader at Vinspired. Her journey has been nothing short of inspiring, as she aims to combat low self-esteem among young people, spearheading the #MyPowerIs campaign on social media.

From Riots to Reverse Riots

Emma began her journey with Vinspired by participating in the Reverse Riots campaign, aimed at changing the negative perception of young people following the London Riots. This experience marked her initial foray into making a difference through volunteering.

Leading with Team v

Emma then took a significant step by becoming a Team v leader, an opportunity that allowed her to enhance her leadership skills while contributing to her community. She reflects on her experience:

“One of the most appealing things about Team v was getting something personal for myself out of it, whilst giving something to the community. I wanted to strengthen and find more depth in my leadership skills, and the training Team v provided really gave me an opportunity to do that.”

Tackling Homelessness

Her first major initiative was organizing a mass sleep-out at her university to raise awareness and support for local homelessness charities. The campaign not only collected over 150 items like warm clothes and shoes but also established a lasting partnership between the university and a local homeless charity.

Transforming Lives Through Kindness

Emma’s second campaign involved running workshops focused on well-being, including yoga classes, singing lessons, and food tastings. Her team also carried out a ‘random acts of kindness’ campaign and transformed a garden at a local Children’s Home, providing positive role models for the youth.

The Face of #MyPowerIs

Emma was chosen as a finalist in Vinspired Live for her role in the #MyPowerIs campaign, encouraging the public to share actions that boost their self-esteem. This initiative highlights her commitment to using social media as a tool for positive change.

“Team v changes the way you think about the society around you. It’s about realising things about yourself. It works for everybody; it doesn’t matter who you are.”

Team v continues to empower volunteers like Emma to lead impactful projects and develop valuable skills. Learn more about how Team v is empowering young people to improve their communities.