25 May 2024 ·

Evaluations Show Sector and Young People Gain from Full-Time Volunteering

An evaluation of the first year of the full-time volunteering program, vTalent Year, highlights significant benefits for both the sector and young volunteers. Young people have contributed an impressive 1,112,760 hours to children and young people’s services, further education (FE) colleges, and campaigning organizations.

In 2009/10, 843 young individuals engaged in a 44-week volunteer program, participating in high-quality structured placements within 32 Local Authority Children and Young People (CYP) Services, 29 FE colleges, and two campaigning organizations.

Impact on Local Authority Children & Young People Services

  • Consultation and Advocacy: Working with young care leavers to advocate their needs, influencing service delivery and policy.
  • Mentorship: Supporting disabled young people through mentorship.
  • Youth Participation: Encouraging youth advocacy and participation.
  • Community Development: Developing a LGBT network and council forum.
  • Support Services: Assisting the local Connexions service ‘one-stop shop’.

Impact on FE College Services

  • Student Engagement: Increasing participation in enrichment, health, arts, sports, and student union projects.
  • Volunteer Coordination: Organizing college volunteering fairs.
  • Enrollment Facilitation: Assisting with college enrollments.
  • NEET Initiatives: Planning initiatives for young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET) to visit college departments.
  • Community Links: Building relationships between the college, local community centers, and training providers.
  • Transition Support: Supporting students in the post-16 year transition process.

Pathways to Work and Education

The study also demonstrated that the program provides effective pathways into work and education for young people. Volunteers came from diverse backgrounds, with at least 40% of them being NEET at the time of recruitment. Remarkably, 94% of participants graduated from year one with a Level 2 equivalent qualification. Subsequently, a quarter progressed to employment, half pursued further or higher education, and 15% engaged in additional volunteering opportunities.

Young volunteers report that the vTalent Year supports their personal development, allowing them to cultivate new skills, networks, friendships, and fostering civic engagement. Learn more about how youth volunteering can impact your future.

The second year of the program is now well underway, continuing to create impactful experiences for participants.