25 May 2024 ·

Generation Change: Empowering Youth Through Social Action

Today marks the launch of Generation Change, a groundbreaking coalition of specialist youth social action organizations in the UK, backed by the Cabinet Office. This initiative aims to amplify the quality, quantity, and impact of social action, encouraging young people to engage in meaningful community contributions.

Enhancing Youth Social Action

Generation Change is committed to championing the youth social action sector by driving up the number of young people actively involved. This engagement not only increases their skills but also equips them to tackle pressing social issues.

Objectives of Generation Change

  • Enhancing Quality: Elevating the standards of youth social action and enabling organizations to demonstrate their program’s value.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Disseminating insights and understanding across the sector and with business, education, and government.
  • Collaboration Platform: Providing a cooperative space for youth social action and related organizations.
  • Media and Policy Attention: Highlighting the youth social action agenda in media and policy discussions.

By empowering the next generation of decision-makers, Generation Change seeks to create innovative solutions to the UK’s social challenges. Recent research by BeatBullying, a group member, highlights that 94% of young people believe there should be more volunteering opportunities, and 42% would engage more if transitions between opportunities were easier.

Insights from BeatBullying Survey

  • Dual Impact Recognition: 86% of young participants were motivated by a desire to help others, with 66% learning new skills and 69% gaining confidence.
  • Awareness and Participation: Over half (53%) would engage more if opportunities were better publicized.
  • Interest in Engagement: Over half (55%) of those not involved wish to participate but lack awareness of how to get started.
  • Educational Institutions’ Role: 57% of respondents would be more inclined to participate if facilitated by schools or colleges.
  • Volunteering Recognition: 86% believe that schools and universities should acknowledge volunteering activities.
  • Career and Training Opportunities: 54% of those involved and 46% of those not yet involved would increase participation if it led to jobs or training.

Generation Change unites 13 diverse youth social action organizations, including Ashoka, BeatBullying, City Year, Envision, Fixers, Free The Children, Future Foundations, Student Hubs, The Challenge Network, UnLtd, UpRising, vInspired, and Year Here.

Learn more about our initiatives and how you can get involved in Generation Change.