25 May 2024 ·

I’ve Learnt That Helping Others Through Volunteering Can Also Help Yourself

Volunteering is a powerful tool for personal development and community impact. Through my experience with READ International, I’ve discovered that helping others can profoundly benefit oneself. This article explores how engaging in charity volunteering not only supports international aid and education but also enhances personal skills such as teamwork, fundraising, and emotional intelligence.

Books collected for donation in a library setting, symbolizing the impact of educational volunteering and community service.

A Journey with READ International

At King John School Sixth Form, I joined a project that aimed to improve overseas access to education by collecting books and funds for students in Tanzania. Our efforts resulted in collecting approximately 1,000 books and raising £1,000 through creative fundraising activities like cake sales and non-uniform days.

This initiative not only supported those in need but also provided me with immense personal satisfaction. Education is a fundamental right, and contributing to it has been incredibly fulfilling.

Personal Growth Through Volunteering

Participating in this project has strengthened my relationships with peers and broadened my skill set. I’ve learned to plan and execute successful events, which has benefited my academic pursuits, such as Music Performance.

Skills Acquired:

  • Organizational Skills: Planning events like quiz nights.
  • Communication Skills: Engaging with local businesses for donations.
  • Initiative: Completing individual tasks by set deadlines.
  • Persuasion and Fundraising Skills: Raising significant funds through ticket sales and competitions.

These skills are invaluable as I pursue a career in finance and business, reinforcing my interpersonal abilities.

The Transformative Power of Volunteering

Volunteering not only enriches others’ lives but also transforms your own. Whether it’s through student volunteering or helping young people fulfill career ambitions, the benefits are mutual. I’ve learnt that helping others through volunteering can also help yourself.

Embrace volunteering opportunities. Be the change you wish to see and witness how it can reshape your life.

For more inspiring stories, read how volunteering not only changed lives but also saved them, or discover how volunteering can help overcome challenges.