Positive Publicity = Positive Perceptions
The Positive for Youth event was a dynamic gathering of around 150 young people, keen to voice their perspectives and refine the Department for Education’s draft statement. The buzzword of the day was undoubtedly publicity.
The Power of Media in Shaping Perceptions
Media’s influence on societal thinking is profound. The consensus was clear: young people should be highlighted positively to counteract pervasive negative stereotypes. Although there is official recognition of their contributions, such achievements often lack representation in mainstream media.
At the event, participants acknowledged the efforts of Vinspired in promoting youth accomplishments. However, the real challenge lies in penetrating national newspapers and radio stations to spotlight these successes, thereby reshaping public perceptions.
Strategies for Change
While the solution seems straightforward, the path to execution is challenging. The focus must be on enhancing the digital literacy and public speaking skills of young people, enabling them to engage effectively with media channels. This approach not only fosters civic engagement but also promotes resilience and positivity.
Positive Publicity = Positive Perceptions
#### Bad news for young people: re-thinking negative perceptions #### Youth Advisory Board: why media portrayals of young people need to change
By focusing on these areas, we can establish a more balanced narrative around young people, emphasizing their role in education, health, and well-being.
vInspired’s response to the Positive for Youth consultation
#### A big week for youth policy as Government makes major announcements
The journey towards positive publicity for young people is ongoing, but with concerted efforts, a significant shift is possible.