25 May 2024 ·

Swing the Vote - The Ins and Outs of the General Election

Understanding the Voting Process

Do you know exactly how voting works? You might have read our Voting 101 - your ultimate guide to voting in the next election and understand the importance of voting, but what actually happens to your vote? Here’s a simple breakdown.

When Do General Elections Happen?

General elections in the UK are held every five years on the first Thursday in May. This cycle ensures that citizens have regular opportunities to engage in civic engagement through voting.

What Am I Voting For?

The UK is divided into 650 constituencies, each represented by one Member of Parliament (MP) in the House of Commons. Several candidates will stand in your local constituency, and the one who receives the most votes becomes the MP. Your vote directly impacts your representation in the government.

How Does Someone Become Prime Minister?

Each candidate belongs to a political party, an organization with shared ideas on governance. When you elect your local MP, they and their party gain a seat in the House of Commons. A party must win more than half of the seats (326 or more) to secure a majority and form a government. The leader of the winning party becomes the Prime Minister.

Remember: Parties can change their leader without a public vote, so it’s crucial to choose the party that best represents your views rather than simply focusing on who you want as Prime Minister.

What If It’s a Tie?

If no party wins 326 seats, we face a “hung parliament.” In such scenarios, parties may form a coalition, joining forces to achieve a majority. For example, in 2010, the Conservatives (with 307 seats) partnered with the Liberal Democrats (57 seats) to form a coalition government.

In a coalition, parties collaborate on key issues to avoid conflicts, ensuring stable governance.

Make Your Vote Count

Want politicians to address the issues you care about? Join our campaign and challenge them to step up. Help us Swing the Vote - The ins and outs of the general election by creating a 15-second video starting with “I’d vote if…” and share it with #SwingTheVote.