25 May 2024 ·

V at the Party Conferences 2010

Party conferences may seem like a distant memory, yet their impact on the volunteers from Vinspired who participated remains significant. As part of the Coalition for Young People, Vinspired offered a platform for youth to discuss their community contributions rather than speaking on their behalf.

Empowering Youth Voices

During the Liberal Democrat conference, participants from the Vinspired Talent Year project at Liverpool Community College engaged in a whirlwind of activity. Acting as reporters for the Media Trust, they interacted with influential political figures, including Nick Clegg, and documented conference events. Their day culminated in an inspiring presentation at the Coalition for Young People reception, highlighting the transformative impact of the Talent Year initiative on both their personal growth and the student body at Liverpool Community College.

Advocating for Volunteering

The Labour Party conference featured Razia, a dedicated volunteer from the Manchester Youth Volunteering Project. Her heartfelt speech, delivered alongside prominent figures like John Prescott and Ed Miliband, emphasized the altruistic motivations behind her volunteering efforts, focusing on community improvement rather than personal gain.

Meanwhile, Morgan from V20 actively engaged MPs in discussions, advocating for the ‘I heart volunteering’ campaign. This initiative showcases the passion and commitment of young volunteers in supporting community action.

Engaging with Policy Makers

At the Conservative Party conference in Manchester, V20 representatives, including Jon and Ant, along with volunteer Tom, engaged in meaningful dialogue with Tim Loughton, Junior Minister for Children. They discussed the importance of extending government support for youth community action beyond the National Citizens Service, emphasizing the need for accessible avenues for young people to influence policy and participate in the Big Society.

The Power of Youth Stories

The conferences not only provided invaluable experiences for the volunteers but also captivated delegates with their inspiring stories. As one delegate noted, “Hearing about what young people are achieving is one thing, but nothing compares to hearing their stories firsthand.”

For more insights, explore our Youth Unemployment through the Lens of Volunteering and Sharing Volunteering Success articles.