25 May 2024 ·

We are supporting Student Volunteering Week 2012

We are supporting Student Volunteering Week 2012

Today marks the beginning of Student Volunteering Week 2012, organised by Volunteering England. Currently in its 11th year, the campaign’s theme is Back to basics: community roots, turning the spotlight on informal volunteering and community action.

According to Volunteering England, 63% of students take part in some form of formal voluntary activity whilst at university and 95% of students who volunteer are driven to do so out of a desire to improve things or to help people - providing strong and positive links between themselves and their communities

Volunteering undoubtedly enhances employability, with 51% of recent graduates under 30 years old in paid work saying that volunteering helped them to secure a job.

Develop new skills and give something back

Nick Hurd, Minister for Civil Society, has said: “Young people should think seriously about volunteering. As well as offering them a great opportunity to develop new skills and give something back to their community, it’s also a way to get fantastic work experience for their CV. Student Volunteering Week 2012 is a great opportunity for young people to find out about how they can get involved.”

At vInspired, we think the free time that students have between their studies offers the perfect opportunity to connect with their local community and build valuable experience to support future employability and career aspirations. We have loads of student or careers-related opportunities on, offering great ways of making a difference and gaining professional skills along the way.

Find out more and get involved

Student Volunteering Week 2012

The 2012 campaign is looking to engage with current and potential volunteers through social media to encourage more individuals and organisations to think about volunteering. You can keep updated with what Student Volunteering week and student volunteers have to say through the #svw2012 hashtag on Twitter or visiting Facebook.

How has your organisation directly benefited from the contribution of student volunteers? Tell us all about your experiences here.

Are you currently recruiting for volunteering opportunities suitable for students? Share your opportunities with us on Twitter or register with to help us connect you with young volunteers.