25 May 2024 ·

We're delighted to have received a BYC Youth on Board Award!

We're delighted to have received a BYC Youth on Board Award!

YOB AwardsWe’re absolutely delighted to have received recognition for our youth involvement work, by winning the British Youth Council’s (BYC) Youth on Board, Youth-led Award!

The BYC said:

"The BYC is rewarding vInspired for the role it has played in making itself youth led through its team of young advisors, advocates and ambassadors...They have enabled the voice of young people to shine through as the board supported vInspired to develop, and a range of innovative social media platforms connecting young people to volunteering opportunities in their local community."

At vInspired, we’ve always had a history of putting young people at the heart of all our work, at all levels. It’s part of our culture and organisational DNA, so this award means a lot to everyone involved.

Youth on Board or YOB Awards are an exclusively youth-led rolling award scheme that recognises both young people and the projects and organisations that support them. The Youth led award recognises youth-led organisations that are providing a platform for young people and young voices making a difference at a local, national or international level.

vinspired’s Youth Advisory Board plays a major role in the development of the charity and its work. The young people on the advisory board act as a constant sounding board for us, making sure we hear young people's voices loud and clear.

Some of biggest and best projects have resulted from suggestions which came out of the Youth Advisory Board, projects such as our youth-funding programme, Cashpoint, to high profile campaigns like ‘I ♥ Volunteering’ and many more.

vInspired aims to create a collaborative partnership between staff and young volunteers, recognising that we can all learn from each other. In order to ensure youth participation we flex our working practices and culture in order to accommodate the inclusion of young people in decision-making processes.

If you would like to hear more about youth involvement at vInspired, please feel free to contact me.

You can also follow updates from the YAB on Twitter.