Healthwatch Leeds
Healthwatch Leeds
03 Jan 2024 ·

YouthWatch Leeds Volunteer (14-25 yrs old only)

YouthWatch, a young people's group that helps ensure Healthwatch Leeds listens, and learns from the voice and experience of children and young people (14-25 Year olds)

Age: 14 - 25
When: Weekends, Weekdays, Evenings, And Flexible
Where: Onsite And Remote

You must be aged 14-25 and live in the Leeds area - We particularly welcome applications from young males and people with learning difficulties and disabilities aged 14-25 - Be patient and a good listener - Able to challenge and disagree without being confrontational - Have a sense of humour - Be able to work as part of a team with other young people and/or Healthwatch Leeds workers - Non-judgemental - Personal experience of accessing different health and social care services would be useful. - Be committed to children and young people having a say and being heard. - You should be interested in people - Experience of having accepted responsibility and seeing things through - Volunteers must respect those from a different background - Able to represent the views and experiences of others, not just your own. - Needs to read any material we send you so you can contribute fully. - You must agree to the Healthwatch Leeds Code of Conduct and to working according to our values. Practical Considerations Age Restrictions: 14 - 25 only What’s in it for you? -Support and training from Healthwatch Leeds will be available to help young people with this role. - We’ll provide you with a certificate of volunteering and a reference after 30 hours volunteering with us -It won’t cost you anything to volunteer, with us – we’ll pay your travel costs, and there will be refreshments/food at most of our meetings! Directions : Meetings will be held in a city centre venue (or if meetings aren't for you, you could just join our facebook group and contribute virtually). To find out more Watch our short video YouthWatch Leeds - This is us Application process time: Up to 1 month Overall minimum commitment: 3 months Directions : Meetings will be held in a Leeds city centre venue. Time commitment Youthwatch will meet at least once every six weeks. Meetings will be held outside school/college hours eg. Evenings, weekends or school holidays. There will be other opportunities to volunteer in other activities between meetings. This is a ongoing. Flexible time commitment to be agreed: minimum 2 hours/month Recruitment Method : Informal Discussion, Volunteer Interviews We’re a group of 14-25 year old volunteers that work with Healthwatch Leeds. We listen to the views of children and young people on how services like doctors, dentists and social workers could be made better for them. We make sure their voices are heard. You will be part of YouthWatch, a young people's group that will help Healthwatch Leeds by: Helping to influence Healthwatch Leeds work that aims to make health and social care services better for children and young people. Being involved in projects to gather views about children and young people’s experiences of health and social care services. Help advise Healthwatch Leeds and other services how they can be more ‘child and young people friendly’ Acting as an ambassador for young people’s involvement in Healthwatch Leeds by helping us talk to and listen to other children and young people

What is next?

once you have clicked the "APPLY NOW" button I will be in touch with more information about the application process Thanks Craig Volunteer Manager