10 Opportunities to Take Charge of Your Summer
The summer holidays are the holy grail of the academic year—no teachers, no homework (until the night before term starts again), and no early mornings to disrupt your peace. Why not seize this freedom and create something meaningful that positively impacts your community? Through Cashpoint, you can bring your ideas to life while gaining invaluable skills for your CV. Take that, youth unemployment!
Need some inspiration? Here are ten fantastic ideas for Cashpoint projects that utilize your time and our funding.
1. Literacy Workshops for Young People
Make reading fun by holding interactive sessions, acting out scenes, recreating endings, and encouraging children to get creative with their own stories.
Funding could cover: room space, stationery, refreshments, and volunteer expenses.
2. LGBT Support Group
Create a network for LGBT teens to host discussions and social events for the gay and lesbian community.
Funding could cover: publicity materials, website design and domains, refreshments.
3. Coffee Mornings for Elderly and Isolated People
Share skills and stories, and connect with those in your community who need company. Engage in activities like Bingo, knitting, learning computer skills, and baking.
Funding could cover: room hire, refreshments, games, and transport.
4. Language Lessons for English as a Second Language
Help community members gain confidence in English by running group sessions for conversational practice.
Funding could cover: posters, room hire, stationery, and books.
5. Turn Unused Land into a Community Garden
Involve local people in transforming an unused space into a community garden.
Funding could cover: gardening equipment, refreshments, waste removal, and volunteer expenses.
6. Redecorate the Local Playground
Enhance the playground to make it a pleasant place for children and encourage the community to maintain public spaces.
Funding could cover: painting and cleaning equipment, refreshments, and volunteer expenses.
7. DIY Film Workshops
Conduct workshops with local kids, using film to explore themes and topics, and help them create art or performances inspired by films or characters.
Funding could cover: room hire, refreshments, arts and crafts, and volunteer expenses.
8. World Cup Samba Football
Host a Brazil World Cup-themed event. Engage local kids in football sessions accompanied by samba music, enhancing their technique, skill, and rhythm.
Funding could cover: venue hire, football and music equipment, and refreshments.
9. Sculpture and Craft Classes
Facilitate workshops to spark creativity and work towards an exhibition. Donate completed pieces to a local cause.
Funding could cover: craft materials, room hire, posters, flyers, and refreshments.
10. Drama School
Organize a dance or drama school, providing children with fun activities during the holidays and preparing a show for parents or retirement homes.
Funding could cover: room hire, costumes, music, and expenses.