25 May 2024 ·

Do More with Your Weekly Shop

British families throw away 7.2 million tonnes of food every year, with 50% of it still edible. Meanwhile, 13.5% of the UK population lives in food poverty, unable to afford healthy meals. That’s 4.7 million people in need of help.

How You Can Help

You can make a difference by volunteering with FareShare to collect food at local Tesco stores. Just four volunteers can collect one tonne of food in four hours, enough to make 2380 meals. Learn more about how you can do more with your weekly shop.

The Impact of FareShare

FareShare redistributes surplus food from businesses nationwide to charities on the frontline of fighting hunger. Last year alone, they provided food for over 10 million meals. As most surplus food is fresh produce, FareShare encourages donations of pantry staples like pasta, rice, and tea to support even more charities. Discover 5 things we’ve learnt about food poverty.

However, 59% of these charities are experiencing increased demand, with over a third facing funding cuts. Find out why we’re still so hungry for change.

Who Benefits Most?

Charities benefiting from FareShare range from children’s breakfast clubs to support groups for disadvantaged communities. Homeplus in Belfast provides food and community support for migrant workers, refugees, and asylum seekers. The food supply from FareShare allows them to prepare culturally familiar dishes.

In Manchester, Birchfield Primary School’s breakfast club, which started eight years ago, now offers cereal, yogurt, and fruit thanks to FareShare’s support.

Get Involved

All these efforts rely on volunteers. Can you spare a few hours on July 5th or 6th to help with collections at Tesco stores nationwide? Apply now to make a difference.

Explore how you can help homeless people with these 3 ideas.