25 May 2024 ·

How Team v is Swinging the Vote This May

The general election is just around the corner, and Team v’s latest campaign is determined to get more young people voting. But how exactly are they planning to achieve this? Let’s dive into how Team v Mentor is leading this inspiring initiative.

Team v Campaign Banner

Why Politics Matter

If you’re reading this and thinking, “I don’t know anything about politics,” you’re not alone. Many young people feel disconnected from political processes, but Team v is working tirelessly to change that. By increasing political understanding among 18-25 year olds, Team v aims to prove that young people can significantly influence decision-makers.

Young voters have something that politicians need—our votes. Despite there being 6.8 million young voters, only 44% of 18-24 year olds voted in 2010, compared to 68% of those over 65. If older generations can make it to the polls, so can we.

Understanding Politics Made Easy

Politics can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. Lack of understanding often leads to disengagement, a sentiment echoed by many young people. By voting, we ensure that politicians address our concerns, whether they involve tuition fees or youth unemployment. Voting is crucial because policies will affect us all.

Team v’s Plan to Engage Young Voters

Team v leaders nationwide are collaborating with Do Something to amplify young voices. Through workshops and pop-up events on Election Day, they’re encouraging local communities to vote. Sharing opinions on social media and directly with MPs, Team v is creating a national movement. This wave of energy will swing the vote in favor of parties that prioritize young people.

Curious about how you can get involved with your local Team v leader? Visit to learn more about Team v and their impactful Swing the Vote campaign.

Young people have the power to shape our world. Let’s start by voting.