Alternate Saturday night 7 - 9 pm social club support worker

We're a social club for adults with learning disabilities every other weekend. We have various themes to the nights and we need volunteers to make teas, organise a pool tournament, have a chat etc

Age: 18 - 30
When: Weekends And Evenings
Where: Onsite

Alternate Saturday evenings 6 - 8 pm
At Bournemouth Gateway Club we have a really wide range of ages and abilities, but we are really looking to encourage more younger and independent members to join, to make friends, learn life skills, interact with their peer group etc. We really need some more volunteers in and around this age group that they can relate to.
All sorts of skills and tasks are needed - someone to organise activities or events, someone to get everybody off their bums and join in dancing or just have a kick around or a game of pool.
If you think you can spare a couple of hours a fortnight we'd be glad to see you for a chat and the tour and see what you think!

What is next?

Come along and help our members make friends, have fun, get involved, get active, build confidence and self esteem and socialise :)